The number 1 cause of mammography facility failure with the Food and Drug Administration is poor positioning and compression by mammography technologists. It is absolutely critical for the success of a mammogram that the technologist position the patient well, getting all the breast tissue covered and that enough compression is applied to ensure a good clear image.
Many safety net facilities don’t have a lot of resources for training and there may be high turnover of technologists. Equal Hope has brought an internationally renowned technologist training expert to Chicago on several occasions. This expert, Louise Miller has created a cadre of expertly trained technologist who are then able to go out into community settings to train others.
This model ensured that mammography staff at safety net sites, which served primarily minority women, received the most up-to-date information and practice techniques. These symposia have been very well received, earning above-average evaluations by trainees. Trainees particularly cited the expertise and knowledge of the trainer and the usefulness of the information presented. Also evaluation done by Equal Care staff, trained by radiologists and Louise Miller show how much improved images after training.