Get your health back on track and see how Equal Hope can help you! Bilingual Community Health Worker, Veronica Villa, will be there.
Learn what resources Equal Hope offers! Bilingual Community Health Worker, Lupita Solis, will be there.
Celebrate the season at this free event! Bilingual Community Health Worker, Veronica Villa, will be there.
Learn more about what Equal Hope has to offer! Bilingual Community Health Worker, Veronica Villa, will be there.
Join us and other organizations for resource information and giveaways. Bilingual Community Health Worker, Veronica Villa, will be there.
Sign up for Equal Hope’s services. Bilingual Community Health Worker, Veronica Villa, will be there!
Celebrate the joy of the winter season at this free family-friendly event! There will be various fun activities, and the first 150 families will receive a free turkey. Bilingual Community Health Worker, Veronica Villa, will be there.
Celebre la alegría de la estación invernal en este evento gratuito para toda la familia. Habrá varias actividades divertidas, y las primeras 150 familias recibirán un pavo gratis. Verónica Villa, trabajadora bilingüe de salud comunitaria, estará presente.
Bring your whole family to this free event! There will be health screenings, raffles and more. Senior Community Outreach Specialist, Donalynne Schaffer, will be there.
Get ready to be happy and healthy for this holiday season! This is a free family-friendly event. Bilingual Community Health Worker, Veronica Villa, will be there. For more information on getting vaccinated, call (847) 578-8623. Interested in getting a mammogram? Call (847) 847-623-4221.
¡Prepárate para estar feliz y sano estas fiestas! Este es un evento gratuito para toda la familia. Verónica Villa, trabajadora bilingüe de salud comunitaria, estará presente. Para más información sobre cómo vacunarse, llame al (847) 578-8623. ¿Está interesado en hacerse una mamografía? Llame al (847) 847-623-4221.